Binary Chocolate Installation
In this interactive installation, handmade chocolates are set up on a long table in rows of eight, representing the eight bits of a binary byte. Viewers are invited to take the chocolate but leave the wrappers, revealing a code in chocolate/ no chocolate or 0/1. The piece is surveilled by a web cam outputting the punchcard-esqu image of the chocolate code. Through the act of taking or leaving chocolate, a code is revealed in binary with a changing constantly message. Technology and consumption, and the physicality of code are questioned as viewers interact.
ISEA 2004 (International Society for Electronic Arts) | Tallinn, Estonia | 2004
New California Masters | Works Gallery | San Jose, CA | 2004
Byte and Taste | Other Gallery | Banff Center for the Arts | Banff, Canada | 2003
info@blah | Mills Gallery | Boston Center for the Arts | Boston, MA | 2003
Hello World: People vs. Programming | Artsway | South Hampton, UK | 2003