
steel zoetrope with machine knit animation strip
19" diameter, 10" tall
2008 - 2009

In this piece, a zoetrope shows the motion of two hands knitting. The inner strip of animated drawings is made of cloth constructed on a computerized knitting machine where each pixel becomes a stitch. When spun and viewed through the slits, viewers see the circular movement of hands looping knit stitches.

Bona Fide: Handmade & Homemade   |  Owens Art Gallery  |  New Brunswick, Canada   |  2011
USF Faculty Tri-annual |  Thacher Gallery  |  San Francisco, CA  |  2011
International TECHstyle Art Biennial  |  SJ Museum of Quilts & Textiles | San Jose, CA  |  2010
Loop  |  Winchester School of Art Gallery  |  Winchester, UK  |  2008 
Residency in Progress  |  Lighthouse Gallery  |  Brighton, UK  |  2008 

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