Knitting Game for the Nintendo Wii

In this piece, the motions and actions of knitting are converted into interactions for the Nintendo Wii. Users need to decipher the differences between the motions of knitting and purling, wrapping the yarn, and transferring stitches on needles. The idea was modeled after games such as Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero, where here users are challenged to follow knits and purls on screen moving in rhythm with the game (and without dropping a stitch!) In KNiiTTiiNG, players can only knit a ‘virtual cloth’ (as apposed to performing a dance or singing a song) which relates to common themes of tactility and code, while also bringing in elements of pop culture and video games.

International TECHstyle Art Biennial  |  SJ Museum of Quilts & Textiles | San Jose, CA  |  2010
Loop  |  Winchester School of Art Gallery  |  Winchester, UK  |  2008 
Residency in Progress  |  Lighthouse Gallery  |  Brighton, UK  |  2008 

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